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Profiting Me is a Finance Analytical Platform. It gives Proven, and Simplified Stocks and Forex Analytics Tools to traders and investors.
Girolamo Aloe developed the Market Model Algorithm. It is the Core of Profiting Me Finance.
Profiting Me Finance automatizes for you the research and the analytical process.

Every Section of the Market Model groups a set of Mathematical Serial Functions. They analyze and process Historical and Financial Data for the entire Market Sample.
5 Sections build the Market Model Algorithm for the Stocks Sample:
- Momentum.
- Supply-Demand.
- Price Trend Strength.
- Comparative Relative Strength.
- Relative Earnings Projection.
The 5 Sections of the Market Model identify high ROI potential investments. So, it excludes what is moving in a small trading area and what is not going to pay in a proper way.

The Market Model makes the work for you to analyze the market. It returns what is relevant to watch, helping your investment decisions.
Profiting Me Finance decreases your daily effort in Trading Analysis to the lowest level possible.
The Market Model bases its results on the Statistic Consistency of the Market Sample.
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